About 5 years ago, I was raped by my ex-boyfriend at the time. For me, this changed my life for the worse, then for the better. I was able to overcome being a victim to abuse, to becoming a survivor. I know that if I share my story of what happened and how I overcame, that I will be able to help a lot of people that have experienced the same terrifying event. This is something that happens far too often, and is not talked about nearly enough. There is no easy way to put this, so I think I will start from the beginning.

            I broke up with my boyfriend about a month prior to the event. He tried to control every aspect of my life, to the point that he did not want me going to church so other boys could not talk to me. He did not want me to have any other friends other than him, and he was trying to turn me against my own family by telling me that they were the ones ruining my life, not him. As I finally started to realize how unhealthy this relationship was, I ended it. He insisted on seeing me one more time so that he could talk to me and say goodbye. He also had a good amount of my personal belongings that I wanted back, so I agreed to meet him in a public place.

            We met at a restaurant, the one I worked at, and we had lunch. I was extremely short with him and rude, so that he would understand that we were indeed over. He kept trying to kiss me and flirt with me, and I was not having it. I told him to stop touching me, and he stood up with tears in his eyes, and threw a 50 dollar bill on the table and said goodbye. Of course, me being the nice person I am, I felt bad for being rude and told him I was sorry. He sat back down and said he wanted to talk to me in a private place. I said okay. I went up to the front to pay the bill, and one of my managers who was my good friend told me he needed to talk to me back in the kitchen about something important. I followed him to the back room. He said “Kileigh, are you really going to leave with him?” “Yes” I replied “He just wants to talk to me privately it’s not a big deal”. He then told me something I will never forget: “Kileigh, don’t go. He’s been looking at you like you are a piece of meat and he wants to devour you. Please don’t go with him.”

            Who would have thought someone could ignore that right? I know for a fact it was not by chance that he said that to me. God was trying to warn me, and I ignored it. I told him “It’s fine; I won’t be gone long, promise”. Despite everything warning me, my gut, my manager, every fiber of my being, I went. I drove with him to the empty parking lot across the street, in a corner blocked by trees where no one could see. It was still a decently public place, but not public enough. Obviously, he had other intentions. He did not want to talk; he kept trying to kiss me. I kept pushing him away and telling him to say what he needed to say so we could get this over with. He pulled me over onto his lap and said “I want to talk to you like this” and I said “Ugh fine, just don’t touch me.”

           Of course he kept grabbing my face trying to kiss me. After getting pissed more times than I can count, I got off and said “There is nothing that you can do or say to get me to stay with you. I’m done. If you don’t say what you need to say to me, we’re leaving.” As he kept pushing himself on me I was getting more and more mad. He finally asked me to have sex with him, and I freaked out and said “Are you serious right now? We’re leaving now”. As I was starting the car, he turned it off and moved over on top of me while I was in the driver’s seat. I was pinned. There was nothing I could do. He then said “Well if you won’t, I will make you.”

            After it was over, I almost threw up. I didn’t know what had happened. I didn’t understand. There was no way this happened. There had to have been some way I could have stopped it. I must have led him on somehow. I am a horrible human being…

            I should have told my mom when I got home; we sat on the couch and talked for a long time. She asked me how it went talking to the ex-boyfriend, and I told her it went fine. I didn’t tell her what happened, because I didn’t know exactly WHAT had happened. I thought rape was extremely violent, that the people who came out of it were physically bruised and broken. Why would someone that cared about me do this to me? In my mind, there was no way I was raped by a person I loved.

            I am going into details because I feel like it’s important. As I continue to tell my story, I am going to share my feelings, what I experienced, and how I overcame. I appreciate my family and my husband who have supported me. They have helped me more than they can ever know and I wouldn’t be where I am today, with a beautiful family of my own, married in the temple, without them. Please feel free to ask me any questions, and to share this with someone that you know who has experienced sexual abuse.


  1. Kileigh, you are a beautiful, amazing woman. Thank you for sharing. I'm so glad I've known you for as long as I have.

    1. Thanks Lynnae! That means a lot! I hope you're doing well!

  2. Kileigh, I agree, you are truly a beautiful, amazing woman. You were a lovely, virtuous girl and young woman as you grew. I have always admired you. Thank you for sharing. Dorothy Eyre

  3. This must have been very difficult for you. I'm impressed that you got through it. Did you ever tell your mom or your husband?

    1. Thank you for your concern Emma! It was difficult, I still struggle daily with anxiety and I take an anti depressant for that. I ended up telling my mom a few days after he tried to kidnap me, and I told my husband while we were dating. Ironically enough, we started dating at the same time I began going to therapy again. He helped me through the hardest time of my life, I am so grateful for him!

  4. "Of course, me being the nice person I am, I felt bad for being rude and told him I was sorry."

    NO, never blame your own inherent kindness as a fault for why you went. NO, it's because he was abusive and there's a pattern women who are victimized follow.


    There is something bad about being being an abusive rapist. And your personality and generosity have zerozilchzipnada to do with him being a blight on humanity.

    1. Thank you so much for posting this! I 100% agree with you! We dated for a long time before I finally got up the courage to break up with him. For the first year of our relationship, he was kind and wonderful, then the last year he turned into some kind of monster.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Knowing that was the hardest entry for you, I really appreciate your willingness to share those thoughts. As someone in the field of therapy, that's one of the messages I wish more people understood, especially within the church - it's okay to get therapy! I think sometimes they feel if they can't pray their problems away they are defective and lack faith. The Lord prepares and works through people on earth to help carry your burdens - I truly believe he can and does lead people to good therapy sometimes. And I'm so glad you know now that you are absolutely not crazy! I work with family clinician who always says "most people aren't crazy even when their behaviors show otherwise. A lot of the time they are actually having a perfectly normal, sane reaction to an insane set of circumstances." I work with victims of rape and one of the things I often have to focus on is helping them overcome guilt and recognize what happened wasn't their fault whether or not they "fought back hard enough." You have let this experience transform you into a beacon of strength, and that is one of the most incredible parts of your story. I admire you.

    1. Thank you so much for your post! I am so glad that you understand what rape victims go through mentally and emotionally! Having your support helps me push through these hard posts and keeps me going!

  7. It’s really hard to immediately tell if what happened was already rape. I admire you Kileigh for sharing your experience. I know how hard it must have been for you at that time and how much harder it was to write about it. You are a strong, beautiful and amazing woman, who deserves to be treasured and loved. Don't worry because rest assured, your family and husband will always be by your side no matter what.

    Chin Angevine

  8. You are very brave Kileigh, for being able to talk about it now. And we all know that the first step to start healing is admitting that it happened, and that it was not your fault. Trusting someone and ending up being abused by that person does not make the victim responsible for the offender's actions.
    Vesta Duvall


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